
What would you do next - To tap or not to tap? - The Singapore Uveitis Study Group

Organized by the Singapore Uveitis Study Group
Friday 27 June 2025, 14:15 - 15:15, Copacabana (150)
Soon-Phaik CHEE, Anita CHAN SY

When the case is having persistent uveitis and investigations are not helpful in clinching the diagnosis, especially when response to treatment is limited, what do we do next? 
What are we dealing with? 
What would you do next – to tap or not to tap? 
Sampling of ocular fluids should perhaps be the next step. 
As the attendee, you make the call. 
14:15Singapore Uveitis Study Group: Case 1 CHAN SY A
 14:20Case Discussion
14:25Singapore Uveitis Study Group: Case 2 WADUTHANTRI S
 14:30Case Discussion
14:35Singapore Uveitis Study Group: Case 3 AGRAWAL R
 14:40Case Discussion
14:45Singapore Uveitis Study Group: Case 4 DE BOER J
 14:50Case Discussion
14:55Singapore Uveitis Study Group: Case 5 SIAK J
 15:00Case Discussion
 15:05Discussion & Closing Remarks
 15:15End of Session