
HOW TO PAY your IOIS Member fee

looks_one SIGN UP and create your account
You can skip Step 1 if you already have an account, otherwise follow these instructions

  • Click on the "Create Account" button in the menu
  • Fill out the form and submit

looks_two LOG IN to your account
  • You can find the login panel in the footer of the website. 

Make sure you are still logged in. 
  • Click on the "My Account" button > "My Payments" in the menu
  • Click on the "Pay now IOIS Member fee 2024" button
  • Click on "I want to pay 150 EUR", fill out the form (invoicing purpose)
  • Confirm by clicking again on "I want to pay 150 EUR". You are now redirected to our secure payment gateway system Ingenico. 
  • Fill out your details and confirm your payment by clicking on "Yes, I confirm my payment"

Membership fees

       150 EUR

The following Societies can apply for Group Membership Payment:
  • Indian Uveitis Society
  • Israel Uveitis Society
  • Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society
  • Philippines Ocular Inflammation Society
  • Malaysian Ocular Inflammation Interest Group
  • Spanish Ocular Inflammation Society - SEOI
  • Taiwan Uveitis Society

Contact the IOIS office to inform and/or apply for the Group Membership Payment. 

Group Members are entitles to one seat in the international council and reduced registration for all for the meeting (see conditions below). Group members are not entitled for general assembly to vote (only regular members and 1 member of the group (usually the president).

Terms and conditions 

Membership Payments should be made by credit card through our secured website, see privacy policy for more details.

play_circle_filled_white  Privacy Policy

Cancellations and refunds

Refunds will not be granted for Memberships. 

Membership Entitlement / Advantages

When becoming a member, you will be entitled to all IOIS privileges. See IOIS Membership Benefits below. 


  • Reduced fee for congress registration for members in good standing*
  • Receive the IOIS Newsletters
  • Waived publication fee for selected invited articles in JOII - Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection which is published in cooperation with the International Ocular Inflammation Society. The Society will cover the article processing charges for selected invited articles. **
  • Voting rights at the General Assembly*** and be elected to all committees.
* Members in good standing – having paid membership of at least two most recent consecutive years.
** JOII - Please note that only a few papers will be free of charge each year. The final decision depends on the quality of the work submitted and decision will be taken by the Editor in Chief. 
*** Regular Members, in good standing, can vote at the General Assembly - Group members have no voting rights with the exception of the representative of the Group.