
Uveitis and Inherited Retinal Diseases: Where Is the Crossroad? - Foster Ocular Immunology Society

Organized by the Foster Ocular Immunology Society
Friday 27 June 2025, 11:45 - 12:45, Gávea B (400)
Esen AKPEK, Quan Dong NGUYEN, Woong-Sun YOO
 11:45Welcome & Introductions
11:49Immunology of Inherited Retinal Disease and Possible Treatments SHAH R
11:57Comparing Inherited Retinal Disorders and Uveitis in the Context of Cataract Surgery KEDHAR S
12:05Anterior Segment Findings of Inherited Retinal Diseases CHU D
12:13Pathogenesis of Inherited Retinal Diseases-Associated Uveitis HUNG JH
12:21Is There a Genetic Component in Autoimmune Retinopathy? MISEROCCHI E
12:29Retinal Disorders Mimicking Inherited Retinal Diseases ANDROUDI S
 12:45End of Session