
Challenges of pediatric uveitis - Grupo Português de Inflamação Ocular, affiliated to the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology

Organized by Grupo Português de Inflamação Ocular, affiliated to the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology
Friday 27 June 2025, 09:00 - 10:00, Leme (150)
Maria João FURTADO, Cristina FONSECA, Miguel CORDEIRO
 09:00Welcome & Introductions
09:05Navigating Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges in Pediatric Ocular Tuberculosis: A complex case study FERREIRA C
09:15Pediatric uveitis: from kindergarten to college CORDEIRO M
09:25Bilateral Choroidal neovascular membrane in a pediatric case PINTO PROENÇA R
09:35Macular mess FONSECA C
09:45Bad luck never comes alone FURTADO MJ
 10:00End of Session