
Twists in the TALE- Late diagnostic revisions in uveitis - case based presentations - Uveitis Society of India

Organized by the Uveitis Society of India
Friday 27 June 2025, 09:00 - 10:00, Gávea B (400)
Kalpana BABU MURTHY, Vishali GUPTA, Sudharshan SRIDHARAN, Soumyava BASU
09:00Twists in the TALE- Late diagnostic revisions in uveitis: Case presentation 1 MAHENDRADAS P
09:10Twists in the TALE- Late diagnostic revisions in uveitis: Case presentation 2 BISWAS J
09:20Twists in the TALE- Late diagnostic revisions in uveitis: Case presentation 3 DAS D
09:30Twists in the TALE- Late diagnostic revisions in uveitis: Case presentation 4 NARAIN S
09:40Twists in the TALE- Late diagnostic revisions in uveitis: Case presentation 5 SRIDHARAN S
 09:50Q&A - Discussions
 10:00End of Session