
COURSE - S3 - Diagnosis and Management of Posterior Segment Inflammation

Diagnosis and Management of Posterior Segment Inflammation
Wednesday 6 September 2023, 13:00 - 14:30, Room 4 — B07-08
Vishali GUPTA, Elisabetta MISEROCCHI, Harvey UY

 13:00Yellow Lesion in the Fundus : clues to Non-infectious versus Infectious etiologies DOGRA M
 13:12Retinopathy and choroidopathy associated with Sarcoidosis MARCHESE A
 13:24Placoid chorioretinitis : A close call between Infectious and Non infectious etiologies HASSMAN L
 13:36White Dot Syndromes : separate entities or one spectrum ? LIM L
 13:48When do I suspect Lymphoma or Masquerades CARBONELL D
 14:00Panel Discussion and Case Presentations
 14:30End of Session 3