
30 - Society of Ophthalmo- Immunology and Inflammation (SOIE): Challenging cases: the SOIE selection

Session organized by: Society of Ophthalmo- Immunology and Inflammation (SOIE)
Saturday 4 December 2021, 16:00 - 17:00, Room 3
Ilknur TUGAL-TUTKUN, Piergiorgio NERI, Moncef KHAIRALLAH
 16:00The case of a hapless patient: how challenging can it be to treat Behçet uveitis? TUGAL-TUTKUN I
 16:07Rush up! Rescue treatment of a rare, nasty, sight and life threatening multi organ systemic disease". NERI P
 16:14Post cataract surgery inflammation in a retinitis pigmentosa patient: the unsuspected surprise. PAPASAVVAS I
 16:21Acute Syphilitic Posterior Placoid Chorioretinitis (ASPPC): the sneak immune attack of the choriocapillaris. HERBORT C
 16:28An unusual presentation of ocular sarcoidosis KHOCHTALI S
 16:35The valley of fear PICHI F
 16:42Q & A
 16:45End of Session