
7- IMMUNE KERATITIS: Pathogenesis and Regulation of Corneal Inflammation: from bench to bedside

IOIS Section: Immune Keratitis
IOIS section session
Friday 3 December 2021, 15:00 - 16:00, Room 1
Junko HORI
 15:00Corneal angiogeneic privilege and immune checkpoints HORI J
 15:07Immune surveillance by Antigen presenting cells in the conjunctiva and contributions to autoimmunity MASLI S
 15:14Neuro-immune interaction in cornea YAMAGUCHI T
 15:21PD-1 related autoimmune-dacryoadenitis and corneal damage SAKURAI Y
 15:28Interactions of SARS-CoV-2 with ocular surface KUMAR A
 15:35Q & A
 15:45End of Session