
Course 3: Diagnosis and Management of Posterior Segment Inflammation

Diagnosis and Management of Posterior Segment Inflammation
Thursday 2 December 2021, 14:00 - 15:30, Room 1
Hyeong Gon YU, Peizeng YANG, Camilo BRANDAO-DE-RESENDE, Yasir J SEPAH
 14:00The dynamic changes in the fundus of VKH syndrome patients YANG P
 14:10Development of diagnostic criteria and protocol for primary vitreoretinal lymphoma in China ZHANG M
 14:20The role of ERAP2 and HLA-A29 in Birdshot Uveitis VENEMA W
 14:30 Retinopathy and Choroidopathy Associated with Sarcoidosis NAMBA K
 14:40Multifocal Choroiditis: PIC, MCP, and Beyond LEE C
 14:50Infectious Chorioretinitis CURI A
 15:00PANEL DISCUSSION: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Uveitis with Moderators BRANDÃO-DE-RESENDE Camilo and SEPAH Yasir Jamal
 15:30End of session