
Visa Requirements / Applications


All international conference participants must possess valid identification and travel documents before entering Brazil. Each participant is responsible for arranging their own visa, as per the applicable laws.

The conference organisers strongly recommend that all participants check, as soon as possible, the rules for entering Brazil that apply to them . The organisers also strongly recommend that visas be requested at least 3 months before travelling. There have been cases in past conferences where late visa applications from participants led to their inability to attend the conference.

The Visitor Visa (VIVIS) allows for stays of up to 90 days and is the recommended visa for attending the conference. Citizens from most countries in South America can enter Brazil solely with their citizen card, while citizens from other countries must carry a passport. Additionally, Brazil offers visa exemption to several countries, as listed on the website. Please check this information against the Brazilian Embassy / Consulate in your country.

For more info please check the website of the Brazilian Government.



A Letter of Invitation for visa purposes can be issued by the conference organisers upon request from the participant.

To receive a Letter of Invitation, attendees must :

  • have registered for the IOIS 2025 congress!
  • send email to requesting "Official letter of Invitation" for visa purposes and supply following details:
    - copy of your passport
    - your address
    - your date of birth

The letters will be issued in digital format only and as soon as possible. Nonetheless, the conference organisers will not be held responsible for any visa-related issues or delays, nor can they speed up visa issuing within the embassies, consulates or the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Letter of Invitation does not financially obligate the Congress organizers in any way. All expenses incurred concerning Congress are the sole responsibility of the attendee.

It is the sole responsibility of the attendee to take care of his/her visa requirements. Attendees who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application procedure (preferably 3 months). Attendees should contact their nearest embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications.

If your visa is not granted in time for you to attend the conference and you have paid the registration fee in full, the registration fee minus a handling fee of EUR 50.00 will be refunded not later than 14 days after the congress. You will receive this refund if the visa was applied for in time, and proof of this, together with an official notice from the embassy confirming that a visa could not be granted, is forwarded to IOIS Office.

The organizers will not directly contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants.