
12 - DRY EYE: Sjogren’s Related Dry Eye

IOIS Section: Sjogren’s Related Dry Eye
IOIS section session
Friday 3 December 2021, 16:00 - 17:00, Room 3
Esen AKPEK, Christophe BAUDOUIN
 16:00Latest therapies for Sicca syndrome AHMAD S
 16:07Assessing for Sjögren's Syndrome Dry Eye Patients: Insights from the Sjögren's International Collaborative Clinical Alliance GONZALES J
 16:14Don’t overlook the conjunctiva in Sjogren syndrome KCS PFLUGFELDER S
 16:21When is it more than just dry eyes? BUNYA V
 16:28A potential biomarker to distinguish Sjögren’s vs. Non-Sjögren’s Dry Eye: Tear MUC5AC MASLI S
 16:35Patient-reported dry eye burden and impact in Sjogren’s Syndrome SALDANHA I
 16:45End of Session